Returns Policy
Returns Policy
If you wish to cancel your order, then we require for you to let us know within 60 minutes of making an order. Unfortunately, after this time we are unable to make any changes to your order before it is dispatched.
As a result, an additional cost may apply to any delivery cancelled, redirected, or refused at your request. If the order is no longer required, this cost may be deducted from your refund. To request a cancellation, please contact us.
We hope that your new purchase meets all of your expectations, however if you are not totally satisfied with your product you need to notify us in writing within 14 days from the receipt of the goods. Unfortunately after this time we're unable to accept your return.
We expect products to be unpacked and inspected, but in the event of a return the product must be returned to us in a saleable condition. You will be liable for the cost of replacement or repair of any goods returned scratched, knocked, scuffed etc.
You must take care of goods whilst they are in your possession and, if you are returning them, you should take reasonable care to ensure that MobilityPlus receives them and that they are not damaged in transit. If the goods are not adequately packaged, are incorrectly addressed or do not carry the correct postage (and become damaged as a result) MobilityPlus may have a claim against you. For this reason all items returned must be repackaged in a comparable way that they were delivered to you. We strongly recommend that you insure the return delivery.
We can arrange collection using our own courier, and due to the size and weight of our items we would strongly recommend this. Please contact us for more information.
Please note: The customer is liable for the return delivery cost, including any customs charges or taxes.
Please keep hold of the packaging until you're sure you're happy with your product, we reserve the right to charge for repair or replacement of any product(s) or packaging.
You must inform us via email or post of any returns within 14 days of receipt.
Return Collection Cost
Powerchairs, Mobility Scooters & Riser Recliners - £45
Walking Aids, Manual Wheelchairs & Ramps - £15